GBM Sharks
Be Great. Register Today!


Pitch your innovative ideas before potential Shark Investors and executives and win $$$ to fund your idea!

The GBM Shark Tank was created to inspire and develop entrepreneurial skills and training for teens. This pitch competition will test and critique participants communication, persuasion, creativity and marketing skills, using GBM’s Mission:

“Empowering Teens for Life . . . To Believe, To Achieve, While Igniting the Genius Within.”

As the Emerging CEO, teens will sell a product or a concept to a group of investors, GBM Sharks in a boardroom setting. They will be judged on your ability to persuade the judges that their media brand BEST sells/communicates the concept or product. Here are a few ideas of Media Brands:

Media Brands

• An Invention or new design for a product

• YouTube Channel

• An APP or Game

• A Not – For – Profit Foundation

• Personal Business Model